Bioshock Fort Frolic Slot Machine

– In the beginning of ‘Fort Frolic’ there will be slot machines by the Bathysphere. Try your luck at the machines and keep trying till you run out of money. In order to get this Golden Reel you will need to explore Sander Cohen’s theater located in Fort Frolic. After you progress through the level and capture all of his photos you’ll be able to reach.

Bioshock is a first-person action RPG set in the late 1940s after World War II. Players find themselves trapped in a utopia gone wrong, and must genetically enhance themselves to survive. BioShock (Xbox 360) Fort Frolic. Hit the jackpot at a slot machine. Feel free to reload your save if you lost too much money. Follow the arrow upon starting to reach. Enter the Fort Frolic level via the bathysphere from Arcadia after you save the forest there, although you can revisit the level if you missed the achievement the first time around by using a bathysphere. Fort Frolic is the only level where slot machines are found, so make use of your time there to unlock the achievement.

Bioshock > Bioshock Levels > Welcome to Fort Frolic


You step off the bathysphere from Arcadia into the metro lobby at Fort Frolic. The bathysphere station to Hephæstus, as Atlas confirms, is up ahead on the other side of the lobby. Atlas also tells you that Fort Frolic is run by a man named Sander Cohen, whom he tries to describe as a real lunatic … a dyed-in-the-wool psychopath — except that his signal is broken off to the music of Rise, Rapture, Rise.

You gather as much as you can from the vending and gambling machines near the Arcadia exit. (Try the Epstein the Swami fortune teller. He's a real downer! A sample fortune: It won't go well. It won't go well at all.) Then you race to the Hephæstus bathysphere. Surprise! The 'sphere closes and sinks into the water, and the gate in front of it closes, too. Raising before you is a giant mask of a long-eared rabbit, white with speckles of red. As it ascends to the sunburst bas-relief near the ceiling, red curtains cover the view of the sea on either side. Dancers in plaster, two to a side, dance on cables from the top of the curtains as two spectators in plaster stand in awe.

A voice that exudes with charm comes over the radio:

Ah, that's better. Atlas, Ryan, Atlas, Ryan, duh duh duh, duh duh duh. Time was you could get something decent on the radio. The artist has a duty to seduce the ear and delight the spirit: So say goodbye to those two blowhards, and hello! to an evening with Sander Cohen.

Thinking of escaping? The entrance to the lobby opens to a web of electrical tripwires all over the lobby. And the gates to the Arcadia bathysphere are locked.

Now, I haven't seen a sign of real life down here in months. Let's see if you're just another Johnny-come-lately, or maybe something more delicious.

Bioshock fort frolic slot machine machines

Here come three pairs of spider splicers, two by two. There are several ways to deal with them.

  1. If you acquired Natural Camouflage by researching the Houdinis of the Saturnine in Arcadia, you can stand in a corner and watch the splicers go by, confident that they cannot see you as long as you do not move. Once they are at a safe distance, plop the closest one with Enrage; wait until the fight is over; and take out with the survivor.
  2. If you are into research, use the Decoy plasmid to lure them down and make them fight the ghost as you snap pictures of them. You should make at least the third (++) level, maybe even the fourth. If you put your decoy among the trap wires, the splicers will voluntarily clear them out for you.

After the first pair are killed, Cohen remarks, Nicely done. Where did you study? Do likewise unto the remaining two pairs of aggressors. Even if you can't camouflage yourself, the Hephæstus station gives you an advantage that in there the spiders have few places to jump onto the ceiling.

Cohen is quite pleased with you.

Ohhhh, I can smell the malt vinegar in this one. I've waited so long for something tasty to come to this little burg, but all that pass are yokels and rubes.

Where are my manners? Come in, come in! Sander Cohen awaits you, at the Fleet Hall!

There are two sections to Fort Frolic: The Atrium and Poseidon Plaza. They are separated by a glass tunnel that Cohen has turned into a freezer.

There are plenty of gene banks, first-aid stations, vending machines and safes as well as the one-arm bandits (mostly in Poseidon's two casinos) and Epstein fortune tellers unique to this level.

Also unique to this level are shops with glass display windows. The shops that are accessible (many are gated shut) have stories to tell. But be careful when fighting enemies near their entrances. Breaking any glass activates an alarm: For one minute, security bots will hunt for you as a voice announces over the klaxon, Vandalism is a serious crime. Remember, vandals are parasites.

Welcome to Fort Frolic

Turn left at the bathysphere exit. In the shaft above the entrance to the Atrium is an auto-hacker; snare it with Telekinesis. Walk past the vending machine to the Atrium with its vast glass dome to the sea. The dome is cracked at the top, and sea water cascades down to the foot of the stairs from the main floor to the mezzanine. As you survey the wondrous scene, lights come on and neon signs come ablaze as Sander Cohen proclaims: Welcome to Fort Frolic!

Cohen explains why you are here.

No need to thank me for jamming the transmission of those boors Atlas and Ryan. Let them have their squabble. The artist, yes, the artist knows there is richer earth to till.

For example, I test you, little moth, but for a reason. I test all my disciples. Some shine like galaxies, and some — some burn like a moth at the flame! Come now, into my home.

Fleet Theater

If you choose to explore the byways of the Atrium and the Plaza, read the sections at the end of this page. The rest of this text assumes you are in that let's get this over with frame of mind. But what fun is that?

First, hack the first-aid station on the column in the middle of the Atrium. In front of the stairs is a stage covered with a red curtain. You can't peek behind the curtain, but what lies behind it is the reason for the mission Cohen will assign you. Climb the stairs and pass the glass door into the Fleet Hall. There is a security camera over the glass door in the concession area; wait until it points away from you to hack or destroy it.

From the concession area you can only proceed from the elevator to your left. The glass door is locked. The stairs lead to the back of the projection room, where you will find film, Eve hypos, a crafting station, a playable guitar and a tape of Cohen excoriating someone over a review of his rival Anna Culpepper. (The projection room itself is gated shut: Cohen himself is inside, and he scolds you for trying to enter.)

Press the elevator call button (but wait until you are invisible if you have camouflage). Three thugs appear from the stairs. The camera, if you hacked it, will summon bots to shoot at least one of them. Fend off the others while the elevator descends, or flee them when it does.

At the top of the elevator you can hear a piano playing, intersped by pleas and Cohen's nagging critiques. You enter the theater itself to see Kyle Fitzpatrick, who is playing Cohen's masterwork on a piano draped with sticks of TNT. The detonator is on the seat, to which the hapless pianist is glued. In time Fitzpatrick tires of playing and of Cohen's abuse: Cohen, you sick f◊◊◊! Let's me out of … BOOM! The piano explodes when Fitzpatrick rises from his seat.

(If you take pity on Fitzpatrick and shoot him dead, the piano will still explode. Fitzpatrick may end up unburned. And Cohen will be disappointed: Oh, that was quicker than I hoped.)

Cohen exclaims, Life! Death! The purpose of the artist is to … capture! Cohen has you walk onto the stage and take a photograph of Fitzpatrick's corpse. When you do so, he says:

And now you've got Fitzpatrick caught in his moment of glory. It seems you've got the eye of the shutterbug, little moth! Now head to the Atrium and place his photograph in my masterpiece. And so our collaboration commences.

Cohen's masterpiece hides behind the red curtain of the stage in front of the Atrium stairs. You can't take the elevator back, so take one of the side aisles. Get some armor-piercing bullets or Electro-bolt ready: Guarding the hall between the theater and the concession area are two gun turrets. (You could hack them to make them keep the theater clear of splicers if you decide to go back there.) Get past those to leave the theater. As you do, Cohen says:

I know why you've come, little moth. You've your own canvas: One you'll paint with the blood of a man I once loved.

Yes, I'll send you to Ryan. But first you must be part of my masterpiece. Go to the Atrium. Hurry now! My muse is a fickle bitch with a very short attention span!!

The Quadtych

As you leave the theater and walk down the stairs, you see the curtain has parted to reveal a set of plastered figures, all dressed up in tuxedos and sporting thin mustaches. They are holding four frames, all empty. As you approach the tableau, Cohen exalts:

Do you see it? When I am dust, this is what they'll point to! My Quadtych! My masterpiece! Go ahead, don't be afraid: Touch it.

Smack a part of the tableau with your wrench. See the blood? Those figures — indeed, every figure in plaster throughout Fort Frolic — were once alive. That's right: All the tableaux are made from the dead (and some not so dead) bodies of splicers trapped inside the Fort.

Anyway, smacking the tableau causes one of the frames to glow. Press the E key to put the photo of Fitzpatrick's body in the frame. A spray of confetti and a trumpet florish announces your success as a statue rises from the stage, bearing a gift from Cohen to you: A crossbow.

The crossbow is a long-range weapon that fires bolts to kill or injury enemies from afar. Unlike other ammo, bolts are recoverable if they are not damaged on impact.

The crossbow is not recommended for close range because it takes too long to reload.

Bolts come in three flavors: The more plentiful steel bolts; red incendiary bolts for setting victims on fire (excellent against Big Daddies); and blue trap bolts for setting electrical wire traps.

Power to the People machines have two crossbow upgrades: one to boost the amount of damage bolts can inflict, one to boost the likelihood that bolts can be recovered.

Yes, and there's Fitzpatrick, freed of his own kinks and defects. And here's the glorious news: This is just the moment of conception! Out in this place there are three men, all former disciples of mine, all connected by a common thread: Betrayal. Find them, little moth, and immortalize their mortality in my Quadtych. Go! Once they've been sent to their reward, you shall go to yours … and to Ryan.

At this point you may want to visit the Southern Mall to take advantage of its P2P machine to enhance the strength of the crossbow.

Martin Finnigan

You will be hunting down, killing, and snapping the photos of three men, in the following order: Martin Finnigan, Silas Cobb, and Hector Rodriguez.

Your first victim, Finnigan, is waiting in the connecting tunnel between the Atrium and Poseidon Plaza. Cohen opens the door to the freezing tunnel and explains how he met Finnigan.

You'll find Finnegan in cold storage. I discovered him in Marseilles in 1937. He admired my painting, I admired his … carriage. He was the first of my disciples to bite the hand. Kill him any way you fancy, but I'd prefer it if you could involve burning in some fashion.


As you enter the tunnel you can hear a low, frosty voice: I can see your brea—th. Zap the hanging corpse with Incinerate; scavange it and the trash can for goodies. You don't need to shoot fire at the tape frozen on the wall.

You think you gonna finish me in here, you old fruit? The other saps you tossed in this meat locker all panicked like rabbits. I just watched and waited. When they started to kick, I started to scavenge. Made myself a little splicer cocktail I did. If you can't come in from the cold, then you gotta grow ice over your heart. And the iceman cometh, Sander baby. The iceman f◊◊◊ing cometh.

You enter a long room full of frozen splicers. The figure at the far end of the room, however, is not frozen. As you walk to him, he runs as if into the wall, only to dematerialize. A Houdini splicer! When you approach where he stood, you suddenly find yourself encased in ice. Through the ice you can see Finnigan reappear and face you.

So the old fruit finally sent someone. Son of a bitch left me here to freeze. Oooh, I have a pose all picked out for youuu!

As the spicers were fighting when Finnigan froze them, you get action bonuses when you take their pictures. This is an excellent opportunity for rewards.

Then you find the ice melting away. You are still in the hall, facing the junction with the doors. The room is full of ice statues. One of them is Finnigan. But which one? You can deduct first that the female statues are not him; then that any male statue bearing a weapon is not him. That leaves just one statue.

You have a choice in how to dispose of Finnigan.

  • Stay where you are; pull out your crossbow; press Z to use the zoom feature; pinpoint the weaponless male statue; and fire. When Finnigan falls, the other statues will explode.
  • There will be at least one nitro in the room. Use napalm or Incinerate to melt him free. He will attack Finnigan immediately, and the two will duke it out. The winner will be too weak to resist a shot or a smack with the wrench.

That was bracing, says Cohen. Take a photo of him and place it in the Quadtych. I'm feeling full, like an expectant momma! After you snap Finnigan's picture, Cohen replies, Yes, now put the picture in the frame! Let's see what we've got here.

Before you leave the room, search Finnigan for his splicer cocktail, the Frozen Field tonic, which makes you resistant to ice attacks and let you the random capability of freezing any attacker with a strike of your wrench. Store it for when you buy a combat tonic slot. Next shoot some fire at an ice mound around the first-aid station to free a crossbow and an Auto-Hacker Tool. Then fire an Incinerate burst at the ice on the floor along the bottom of the door to the Plaza. That will let you into the Plaza when the time comes to hunt the other two targets.

Little Sister

Finally, get yourself ready for a Big Daddy fight. Load armor-piercing ammo in your pistol and machine gun, plus exploding buck in your shotgun and a full load of incendiary bolts. When you return to the lower floor of the Atrium, you will find a pitched battle between three spider splicers and a Big Daddy. Let them fight it out. When the Big Daddy finishes them off, it's your turn. Exploding buck is better against the big guy, but fire bolts are best. Otherwise, regular 00 shot and armor-piercing bullets will wear him down. When he falls, deal with the Little Sister — preferably by saving her.

If you have been in the habit of saving the Little Sisters, you will get a message from Dr. Tennenbaum.

The little ones have never had anyone to look to, except for me — and I am not much to speak of. You give them hope, and for this I am grateful. I'll send something to demonstrate that gratitude.

The gift left in front of the Gatherers Garden consists of 200 Adam, an upgrade to the Hypotize Big Daddy plasmid, and four first-aid kits.

Dr. Tennenbaum could radio you over Sander Cohen's jamming either because (1) Cohen is jamming Ryan and Atlas, but no one else; or (2) Cohen is graciously letting her communicate with you.

It's Coming Together

When that distraction is out of the way, go to the Quadtych and install Finnigan's photo in one of the frames. Cohen promptly awards you with another statue-borne gift: ten anti-personnel machine-gun rounds, R$20, and three first-aid kits.

It's coming together. Yes! But there will always be doubters. You don't doubt me, do you? I could never … stomach … doubters.

Before you return to the tunnel, stop by the Gatherer's Garden to buy some slots, plasmids and tonics. If you have not done so already, rig the first-aid stations for cheaper health — and splicer poison. You will need this later. Now, back into the tunnel, and this time go all the way through to Poseidon Plaza.

Poseidon Plaza

When you first step into the Plaza, six spider splicers come out of a hole in the wall, two by two. (Evidently the splicers have a lounge behind that wall.) They will usually not toss hooks at you, but climb until they are almost on top of you before they fall to the floor and attack. Deal with them.

Afterwards there will be spider and thug splicers (and an occasional Houdini) here and there throughout the Plaza. You can help yourself by rigging the first-aid stations, one on each floor of the Plaza. Vending machines and gene banks are scattered throughout the Plaza and in the shops and casinos.

There are no leadheads at Fort Frolic; their bullets too easily shatter the shop windows.

Speaking of casinos, after you deal with the three pairs of spiders, go to the Sir Prize casino and open the door. That starts a fight among the splicers inside (one of which has a pet security bot). Don't go inside unless you want to join the fray. Let them fight it out. You can return to the casino on your next trip to the Plaza.

The two remaining Little Sisters are in the Plaza. It is best to deal with them, and get them out of the way, before you visit Silas Cobb.

Silas Cobb

The Texas-born manager of the Rapture Records shop on the upper level of Poseidon Plaza admired Cohen only because Cohen's songs paid his rent. When Cohen locked down the Fort, Cobb started burning Cohen in effigy. You find one such effigy, with a tape daring Cohen to visit the shop, in the entrance hall to the Southern Mall.

You know you are in front of the right shop when you hear Cobb brag, My masterpiece is almost complete. Now we'll see who's the real artist around here. Tell the old crow his music cooks better than it sounds! You follow the voice into the record shop to find everything is cooked to a Cajun-style black. Behind one of the counters is a tape, the only one in the game, of Anna Culpepper, Cohen's doomed rival:

Cohen's not a musician. He's Ryan's stable boy. Ryan's corrupt policies crap all over the place, and Cohen flutters around clearing it up. But instead of using a shovel, like you would with a proper mule, Cohen tidies with a catchy melody and a clever turn of phrase. But no matter how nicely it sounds, he can't really do anything about the smell.

The shop has upper and lower levels. Down below you see another of Cobb's effigies. This one has a time bomb, which starts ticking when you approach it. Run to the alcove under the upper floor to avoid getting hurt. After the effigy explodes, you hear Cobb address you: You Cohen's messenger boy? I have something for that old crow! Peek above to see Cobb himself: A nitro splicer with a box of Molotovs. He throws one into the vents and flees, saying Spend some time with my kittens, sugar!

Cobb's kittens are spider splicers in flames, popping out of the ceiling vents. I use Sonic Blast or Cyclone Blast to send them flying to their deaths. If you are patient, you can stand in camouflaged silence and wait for them to burn to death. Otherwise, use your best judgment in dealing with them; just don't let them get too close if you don't like being barbecued.

Once they are all dead, Cobb cries out, It's all a game, errand boy. Cohen, Ryan: Two old birds pulling on each other's milk sticks. Vulgar, aren't we?

Clean out the corpse and the dead splicers. You will find lots of first-aid kits (you will likely need them). There is a floor vent that will take you back to the upper level. Lay out a trap bolt where Cobb will most likely walk. Then slowly approach the door with your Telekinesis (to grab and toss back his firebombs) and crossbow ready. When you are close enough, the door opens to Cobb, crying, My kittens! You murdered my kittens! With that you fight … he dies.

At Cobb's death, Cohen purrs, He was a nasty one, and my favorite. But I think I like him better this way. Take his damn photo, chop chop! After you snap Cobb's picture, Cohen observes:

You flutter all around the Fort, taking life as you go. You're not a moth; you're an angel. I've never painted an angel … maybe I should.

Um, let's not and say we did, okay?

Cohen Freaks Out!

You return through the tunnel to the Atrium. Stop by the Gatherers Garden to add to your plasmid/tonic collection. Then, off to the Quadtych. After you place Cobb's picture in one of the two remaining frames, Cohen goes nuts … more nuts than usual:

That's three of four … what's that look? You don't like it, do you? I don't need to be judged by you — by anyone! Screw you! Screw all you f◊◊◊ing doubters! Here's what I say to all of you!!

Now you're in for it! As the lights turn a dull red, Cohen sends an army of splicers, both thugs and spiders, to kill you to the music of Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers. What I do is pick a defensible position; rely on my Natural Camouflage and wrench tonics; wait for my victims to come to me; and smack them when they get too close. Or, I use Cyclone Trap at strategic points and ready my pistol. If you are in a corner, they can't attack behind you; and they go at you one at a time, anyway. But that kind of fighting style might not be right for you. Know at least that the tunnel door is locked, and the Southern Mall is gated shut, for as long as any of Cohen's army is alive.

Once you have killed all the splicers, a contrite Cohen apologizes for freaking out:

I'm sorry for that outburst. You'll have to forgive an old fool his artistic temperament. The birth is so close now. The labor pains can blur the judgement and drive the passions of even the finest spirits.

Hey, no problem.

You return to the Quadtych to receive Cohen's latest gift: Five electric buck shells, R$20, and twenty units of Electric Gel.

Eve's Garden

You return to Poseidon Plaza to Eve's Garden, a well-advertised strip bar where your last target is known to hang out. Eve's has two entrances, one on each floor, both at the end of corridors looking out into the ocean.

The upper floor entrance is guarded by two gun turrets. If there is a Big Daddy in the hall and you have a Security Bullseye, you can let him deal with the turrets. Otherwise, shoot them out with armor-piercing bullets.

The lower floor is a stage surrounded by a bar and one of each type of vending machine, plus our friend Epstein the Swami. As you approach the stage, you will have a hallucination of a pole-dancing striper saying, Well, well, if it isn't our long-lost Andrew Ryan! Umm-umm, come here, tiger! Jump onto the stage, pick up the money, and walk into the back hall. There is another hallucination: I thought you had forgotten about poor Jasmine. But I am so glad you didn't! As you approach the door at the end of the hall, there is a fierce red glow as you hear the voice of Jasmine, first begging for forgiveness and then screaming. You can guess, even before the door opens, what has happened by the bloody footprints coming out.

The back room has a bed, on which poor Jasmine lies in state. As you approach, you get a flashback of your avatar's family, emphasizing his mother. That wasn't too subtle, was it? Yes, that is the avatar's mother, lying bloodied on the bed. Under the bed is a lot of money and a tape of why Jasmine died.

That creepy Dr. Tennenbaum promised me it wasn't gonna be a real pregnancy. They'd just take the egg out once Mr. Ryan and I had…. I needed the money so bad! But I know Mr. Ryan's gonna suss it out, gonna know I wasn't being careful … gonna know I sold the … Mr. Ryan's gonna be so mad at me!

That woman was truly a mistress of Mr. Understatement. But the worst part of it is that you know now that your avatar is the son of a stripper and a murderous bastisch.

Hector Rodriguez

Anyway, you will need anti-personnel bullets for your gun. There are plenty of them in the safe next to the bed. As you leave the room, you will hear why: How about some f◊◊◊ing service around here?!Maybe … maybe I'll just, you know, do something!The things that man had me do … f◊◊◊ you!! That is the angry voice of Hector Rodriguez, who is sitting at the bar, thinking in his insanity that Eve's is still in business and that he can still get drunk!

Hector is a nitro splicer who is extremely swift on his feet. You may have noticed, for a split second, a fleeting shadow through an open door on your first visit to the Atrium, or in cavities in the Plaza walls. That's Hector.

The minute he sees you, Hector will take off out of the bar, down the hall, down the stairs, into the tunnel, and all the way to the Quadtych. He will do this, tossing Molotovs over his shoulder at you. He will do this — unless you stop him.

Most weapons are too slow to load and fire at him. You are too slow, even with both SportBoost tonics, to reach out to him with your wrench. The pistol with anti-personnel bullets is the best way to drop him.

When Hector is down, Cohen tells you, He was a lout, but he was vigorous. Get the photo before he completely dries up! Once you do so, you can return to the Atrium at once; or you can go back to Eve's and play the tape he left on the bar.

You know what? Art … music … poetry … it's all grift. Cohen's got Ryan wrapped around his lil' pinky. And why? Because he tells him what he wants to hear. Rise, Rapture, Rise! Nuts! That stuff was stale before it came out Cohen's pen. I'm through with the whole piñata. Let's see that old fruit try an' keep me here.


You return to the Quadtych and install the final photograph in its frame. The lights dim. There is a drum roll. Then BAMPF! With a cry of It … is … accomplished, Sander Cohen, wearing an elaborate black rabbit mask with gold trim, makes his grand entrance at the top of the stairs in a puff of smoke, a shower of sparkling confetti, a stirring string waltz, and canned applause. As he descends, waving to his imaginary audience, he takes off his mask, saying Let me see it. He stands in delight before the fait accompli: It's so beautiful.

He hasn't forgotten you, though. You will find your path to Ryan is now clear. Tell him Sander says hello! Then, as an afterthought, Oh yes, one other thing! Let me offer you something as a token of our time together. As you and Cohen walk to the two glass cases, Cohen gestures and the case with the plaster torso lifts up, making the Medical Expert 2 tonic available to you. If you had become my one and true disciple, you might have allowed to look into the box of my most private muse. But who knows if such a man will ever be born? And, with a stern glare, he bids you to go. Atlas, now able to contact you, tells you to get to the bathysphere and go to Hephæstus: It's time to settle up with Ryan.

The Fate of Sander Cohen

You decide whether to let Cohen live or fight him to the death.

Cohen is a fire-spitting Houdini splicer, only tougher and able to teleport farther than the average Houdini. Your research camera will not scan him, but once he is dead you can still snap his picture, just like you did with his ex-disciples. On X360 systems, you get an Irony award; on PCs, you only get to enjoy the irony.

If you decide to let Cohen live, you will find him again at his home in the Mercury Suites apartments of the Olympus Heights quarter. He will know you are there: I hear your wings flapping in my home. … Come into the light, little moth, come in! Inside are two aggressors dancing to Cohen's Rapture Requiem; he bids you not to disturb them. But Cohen has a Power to the People vendor stashed in his bedroom upstairs; and the only way to reach it is to disturb them.

Don't feel like being too rough with ol' Sander? Rig the health station outside his apartment. Then, before his next teleport, drop a prox mine in his path. The explosion will take away most of his health, and he will flee to the first-aid station — and certain death.

If you kill him in Fort Frolic, you can open his muse box: R$69 (kinky!), eight fire bolts and three spider splicer hearts. But his apartment will be inaccessible. Or, you can kill him in his apartment for his muse box key plus $87 and anti-personnel rounds for your machine gun. Then, having returned to Fort Frolic, set his Quadtych on fire; the Atrium will glow red as Sander Cohen reappears in a screaming rage. Then, when you dispatch him, you will get a different set of loot: Five trap bolts, twelve film shots and (oddly) another key to his muse box.

Good ol' Sander! Even in death, he's a real Sugar Daddy.

It is evident that Sander Cohen can use a Vita-Chamber, making him (like your avatar) a relative of Ryan. He need not use a bathysphere, though, since the his flat is not far from the Fleet Hall Theatre. You can see the Theater clearly across the water from Sander's bedroom window.

Frankly it is better to just let him live, at least until to reach his apartment.

You can go upstairs to the Fleet Hall. Cohen will not stop you; he will just stand before his masterpiece, looking upon it in quiet appreciation. The projector room is now open, making available, among other goodies, the Electric Flesh gene tonic, which boosts resistance to electric shock and makes your Electro-Bolt and electric buck/gel more powerful. Also within reach is this wistful tape:

I could have been the toast of Broadway, the talk of Hollywood. But instead I followed you to this soggy bucket. When you needed my star light, I illuminated you. But now I rot, waiting for an audience that doesn't … ever … come!

I'm writing something for you, Andrew Ryan: It's a requiem.


Fleet Hall

The viewing balconies in the theater are all accessible except one. The one with the locked door just happens to have a engineering tonic, Alarm Expert, which lowers the number of alarm tiles in anything you hack. The easiest way to reach it is to go to the neighboring balcony, get on the ledge, and jump on over. Cohen will comment in an unenthusiastic voice, What an outstanding display of athleticism! The two or three Houdini splicers who appear after you take the tonic are not impressed, either.

Southern Mall

The Southern Mall is a winding corridor lined with small shops. Most of the shops are closed, but two — the Marquis D'Epoque liquor and tobacco shop, and Sophia Salon clothing store — are accessible. So is the Cocktail Lounge at the mid-point of the corridor.


The entrance is guarded by a security camera. Hack it to keep aggressors at bay while you are inside. Its small lobby is graced with one of Silas Cobb's burning effigies of Cohen, next to which is a tape.

You wanna lock us in, old man? Well, that's fine with Cobbsie. I used to love you. I used you to think you were a musical genius. You know why? Because you paid my rent, you ancient hack! Come on to the record store. I'll show you what I think of your plinkily, plink, plink!

Coming near the effigy sets off a fight among a group of splicers attacking a Houdini. Any survivors will stand in the hall near the Sophia Salon entrance. The women's restroom has a gun turret guarding a cannister of liquid nitrogen. The men's restroom is flooded and has a Cohen tableaux of three leaping dancers at the far end; it creeped me out when I first saw it.

sophia salon

This clothing store appears lightly damaged, with clothes still on hangers or folded ready for pickup. But it is store's changing room that is the main focus: The whole room is a tableau, with a seated Cohen-statue before a shrine of the Wild Bunny. Next to the shrine is Cohen's paeon to it:

The Wild Bunny
by Sander Cohen
I want to take the ears off, but I can't.
I hop, and when I hop, I never get off the ground.
It's my curse, my eternal curse!
I want to take the ears off but I can't!
It's my curse! It's my f◊◊◊ing curse!
I want to take the ears off!
Please! Take them off!! PLEASE!

The shrine and the poem give you an idea of just how mad Cohen is and of why he is so obsessed with rabbits.

There is a safe behind a charcoal drawing.

cocktail lounge

The lounge is guarded by a security camera and heavily patrolled; so it is not a good idea to just walk right in. However, you can avoid any fuss by going into the employee's entrance across from the clothing store. This leads you to the bar, where the camera will not notice you as long as you don't stand at the counter. There you can clean out the safe and cash register, and listen to a tape by a frustrated security chief Sullivan (remember him from Port Neptune?).

I worked the meatball beat in Little Italy, and even I'm shocked at the cold blood that oozes out of these artistic types. This broad Culpepper and that fruitjob Cohen are in some kind of feud; and Cohen's lookin' for my security detail to pick sides. The next thing I know, I get called into Ryan's office to talk about the whole mess. Goddamn nutjob artists!

The lounge has a crafting station under the camera for your inventing needs, and a gene bank near the employee entrance. Zap and hack the camera when there are no aggressors around. This will ensure that when they return there will be bots to shower them with bullets. Some of those bots will shower you as well: One of the visiting aggressors will be a Nitro, who will surely trigger an alarm by blasting a shop window trying to defend himself. If you can't hide, have R$20 ready for the bot override next to the Marquis.

la marquis d'epoque

This store, and most of the Southern Mall, was featured in an demonstration video of Bioshock back when 2K was called Irrational Games. The basic layout has not changed, although some of the details had: There was a light switch on the column, and the corpse in the tobacco room was a Baby Jane.

This purveyor of sin stuff, with the traditional wooden Indian in front, has alcoholic beverages on the upper level and tobacco on the lower level. The upper level has a gun turret hidden behind a pillar; zap and hack it. Empty the cash register behind the counter.

The lower level is much more fruitful. There is a crafting machine; a Power to the People vendor; and in the tobacco room the gunned-down corpse of Albert Milonakis, who left you a tape of his preference for Nico Time cigarettes — They smoke good, and don't cost half a damn. — and the combination to the cigar room at Robertson's Tobaccaria. Al died for what he loved.

If you either clear out his corpse or use the P2P machine, a Houdini splicer will appear. Then several other splicers will follow. The bots (if they trip the camera) and gun turret will take care of them.

Cohen Collection

This was once an art gallery for the paintings of Cohen and others. Now it is a burned-out shell. Its only work of art is The Doubters, a grisly tableau of a family at a table: the daughter limp at her seat; the mother's arms bound behind her back; the father with a rabbit mask, his wrists slit. There is a tape of Cohen expressing his hatred of those who doubt his talent:

Rapture's going to hell. And why? Because of them! Always behind the scenes: At the Lyceum, at the galleries in SoHo, even down here in this so-called Utopia: The Doubters.

But Ryan understands. We're simpatico. Yes, there's blood in the streets. Yes, people sometimes … disappear. And those awful little girls. Well, I suppose the Doubters think you can paint a picture without soiling your smock.

On the balcony above are three safes. They are guarded by a gun turret which you can zap and hack in your favor. The safes contain a wealth of first-aid kits, Eve hypos, money and ammunition. But cracking any one of the three safes summons a Houdini splicer. If you are lucky, the turret will deal with her. Or, you can shoot her yourself. If, however, she appears once and disappears, it is possible you will find her at the Quadtych, standing before it in quiet appreciation. I guess she was an artist before she went nuts.

Poseidon Plaza

In Poseidon Plaza all the accessible shops have a lower and upper level, except the Tobaccoria (which has an outer and inner room) and that hugh flooded room below the first floor. I have already covered the Rapture Record shop above.

Robertson Tobaccoria

In this tobacco shop are two rooms, outer and inner. The outer room has a gene bank, a coffee table and chairs, and a checkout counter with an empty cash register. On the table is a tape from Bill McDonagh. It implies the fate of the owner, most of whose stock is obviously smuggled Cuban cigars.

The good people of Rapture didn't sign up to see us government-types shutting down shops, killing their owners … even with a ponce like Fontaine. But he brung it upon himself. 'Stead of copping it on the chin, bugger gets into his 'ead that he's gonna go down guns blazing. Who does he think he is? John bloody Wayne?

We can get on top of this. We can. Here's what we do: We find Fontaine's will and make what was his go to where it was intended — and not into the pockets of us that put 'im into the ground.

The inner room is where the cigars are kept under lock and guarded by security camera. The code for the lock (found on Albert Milonakis' corpse at La Marquis D'Epoque) is 7774. Once inside you can hack the camera to make it behave. Then that pile of money on the floor around (and on) the dead guy is yours.

Sinclair Spirits

As you enter this cocktail lounge, you see six plaster statues pose, three to a side, welcoming you to the shop. On a table behind them another white-wax figure (persumably the late Sinclair himself) lies in state. Watching over him is a security camera, which you can either hack or shoot.

At the bar there are two cash registers (the one on the floor has money). On the bar near the empty cash register is a button that opens a door, before which another plaster statue stands as if in fear. In the basement beyond the door, another figure sits facing a corner. At the opposite corner is a safe and a Power to the People machine.

Careful! Use that machine, then turn around. Whoa! The statue from the corner is right there, dancing after you. Shoot her quick! When you come out of the basement, all the other dancers are gone!

Where are they?

Head out of the lounge, and you will find that previously gated stairs are now open. They lead to a vast room that used to be a clothing store. At the far corner are a crate, a couple of proximity mines and an Extra Nutrition 2 tonic. Take the tonic and jump on top of the crate. When you turn around you will see some of the remaining dancers posing around the door. Zap the water. Clean out your victims, turn about, and you will see more. I would not recommend zapping the water while you are in it; whack them with your wrench instead.

If you choose to visit the Spirits shop early in the game, you will find that the plaster dancers are a plague upon the Plaza. They are silent (except on the ceiling), and they attack everyone except the Big Daddies. It is best to visit the Spirits shop last, use the vendor, whack the one dancer, and then run for the exit.

Sir Prize: Games of Chance

I mentioned earlier that your first peek inside the casino sparks a fight among the aggressors inside, including one with a bot in tow. Eventually the splicers will kill off each other, or will get killed either by the bot or by the trap wires upstairs. When the fighting is done, you can enter without incident.

Indeed, the casino is a safer way of moving between floors than the plaza stairs, where you might be spotted by one or more aggressors.

There is a lot of loot inside the lower floor. If you are lucky, the bot will have survived the fight, and you can hack it to be your guard. At the far end of the lower level is a milk crate with some film, a pipe and a tape from Bill McDonagh on his first encounter with Houdinis:

Fontaine knew our blokes were coming. We were done over. Them splicers come screaming out the woodwork. Burping fire, spitting ice … demons out of the Bible they were. Never seen nothing like it. It wasn't a business he was building: It was an army.

Crack the safe under the bar, then walk up the stairs. There is a crossbow and some trap wire bolts (one of the only times you will find them lying around) at the top. The deployed wires on the upper floor can be crawled under or removed with Telekinesis. If you don't remove them, though, your new bot may do it for you.

Pharaoh's Fortune

This casino is on the upper floor facing the hall to Eve's Garden. Be careful as you enter, for there is a security camera on the second floor watching over the slot machines below. There will also be at least two aggressors inside.

The checkout counter has two cash registers and a safe. There is nothing else there, so carefully walk up the stairs, zap the camera, and hack it. It will then watch your back (esp. from the Houdini who walks in) as you explore the more fruitful second floor. This floor has a gene bank (below the camera), various goodies, and a tape from security chief Sullivan, who is very unhappy at his new assignment:

I just got the word to put the bump on Anna Culpepper. This isn't some gangster or hard-nosed political operative. We're talking about a dizzy twist what wrote a song or two that got under Ryan's wig.

Hack the camera, or you will have to deal with the Houdini who walks in while you are up there.


Visit an ex-actress' view of our friend Sander in An Evening With Sander Cohen.

Updated:10:42 AM CET Dec,15
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BioShock [Xbox 360]
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Completed Welcome (10 points): Successfully complete the Welcome To Rapture Level.
Maxed One Track (20 points): Purchased every slot in one of the Plasmid or Tonic tracks.
Maxed All Tracks (50 points): Purchased every slot in all four Plasmid and Tonic tracks.
Bought One Slot (5 points): Purchase one slot in any Plasmid or Tonic track.
Upgraded a Weapon (5 points): Acquire at least one weapon upgrade.
One Fully Upgraded Weapon (5 points): Fully upgrade one weapon.
Two Fully Upgraded Weapons (5 points): Fully upgrade two weapons.
Three Fully Upgraded Weapons (10 points): Fully upgrade three weapons.
Four Fully Upgraded Weapons (10 points): Fully upgrade four weapons.
Five Fully Upgraded Weapons (10 points): Fully upgrade five weapons.
Weapon Specialist (20 points): Acquire all upgrades for all weapons.
Fully Researched Thug Splicer (10 points): Fully research the Thuggish Splicer.
Fully Researched Gun Splicer (10 points): Fully research the Leadhead Splicer.
Fully Researched Spider Splicer (10 points): Fully research the Spider Splicer.
Fully Researched Houdini Splicer (10 points): Fully research the Houdini Splicer.
Fully Researched Nitro Splicer (10 points): Fully research the Nitro Splicer.
Fully Researched Rosie (10 points): Fully research the Rosie.
Fully Researched Bouncer (10 points): Fully research the Bouncer.
Fully Researched Little Sister (10 points): Fully research the Little Sister.
Prolific Photographer (5 points): Take at least one photo in every research group.
Research PhD (20 points): Max out all possible research.
Quality Research Photo (5 points): Take a Research Photo of the highest grade.
Researched a Splicer (5 points): Take at least one Research Photo of a Splicer.
One Successful Hack (5 points): Perform at least one successful hack.
Hacked a Security Bot (10 points): Successfully hack a security bot.
Hacked a Security Camera (10 points): Successfully hack a security camera.
Hacked a Turret (10 points): Successfully hack a turret.
Hacked a Vending Machine (10 points): Successfully hack a vending machine.
Hacked a Safe (10 points): Successfully hack a safe.
Skilled Hacker (40 points): Successfully complete 50 hacks.
Basic Inventor (5 points): Successfully invent at least one item.
Avid Inventor (10 points): Successfully invent at least 100 items.
Ammo Inventor (25 points): Successfully invented all possible ammo types.
Little Sister Savior (100 points): Complete the game without harvesting any Little Sisters.
Tonic Collector (50 points): Collect or Invent 53 Tonics in the Physical, Engineering and Combat tracks.
Historian (50 points): Find every audio diary.
Seriously Good At This (40 points): Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting.
Dealt with every Little Sister (40 points): Either Harvest or Rescue every Little Sister in the game.
Lucky Winner (10 points): Hit the jackpot at a slot machine.
Toaster in the Tub (10 points): Shock an enemy in the water.
Additionally, there are ten secret achievements.
Defeated Dr. Steinman (15 points): Defeat the crazed Dr. Steinman.
Defeated Peach Wilkins (15 points): Defeat Peach Wilkins.
Restored the Forest (15 points): Restore the forests of Arcadia.
Completed Cohen's Masterpiece (30 points): Complete Sander Cohen's great masterpiece.
Defeated Andrew Ryan (30 points): Defeate Andrew Ryan.
Broke Fontaine's Mind Control (30 points): Break Fontaine's mind control.
Defeated Atlas (100 points): Defeat Atlas.
Became a Big Daddy (30 points): Become a Big Daddy.
Irony (10 points): Take a picture of Sander Cohen's corpse.
Found Cohen's Room (10 points): Enter Sander Cohen's personal quarters.
Restore hacked robot's health:
After hacking a robot, it will begin firing at your enemies. If the robot gets hit it will begin to lose health, catch on fire, and eventually blow up. To stop this from happening, deactivate the robot (press A while pointing at the robot), then reactivate it a few seconds later. This should make the robot have full health again.
Easy kills:
From the start you will have a wrench and the Electric Bolt Plasmid at your disposal. Using these is rapid succession against most Splicers can often result in an efficient, quick kill. First, shock the Splicer. Before the convulsion ends, switch out the wrench, aim high, and hit the Splicer over the head. The most efficient way of eliminating the agile Spider Splicers however is to unleash a few clips of anti-personnel ammo, preferably from the machine gun.
Defeating: Frank Fontaine:
To defeat Frank Fontaine very fast, when you first enter the room hit him with the tool the Little Sisters gave you. Fight him when he throws you off. Once he is back on the bed, run up and hit him again with the tool to drain his Adam. This works a lot faster due to him only have four or five jars of Adam to drain, and the fights are not very long afterwards.
Defeating Peach Wilkins:
When the dark cloud envelopes the icy battlefield upon which you must face Peach Wilkins, save the game and locate the hostile turret at the end of the room when the cloud clears. Load the game and run to it before the cloud clears, so that you can quickly freeze or shock it. Then, hack it so it shoots your enemies. Crouch down by the area to your right when facing the turret. There are a few barriers here to protect you from enemy fire. However, to avoid damage by Wilkins' grenades, keep Telekinesis as your active Plasmid. He will avoid the turret's fire, but as long as you stay behind the barriers by the turret he will stay at a safe distance. This gives you time to calmly return his grenades using Telekinesis until he dies. The turret will take out most of the Splicers. This method makes things much easier because it eliminates the hectic 'run around and whack people with the wrench' strategy that is otherwise your only option. That turret if not used as an ally would probably be the main cause of your death, along with the bots triggered by the security camera. By hiding near the allied turret however, you also hide from the camera's view.
Defeating Rosies:
When fighting a Rosie, use armor piercing rounds from the machine gun or pistol. For a more effective way of killing, launch frag grenades and run out a door. The Rosie will follow you, fire proximity mines at the door, and when it walks through it will be damaged or destroyed.
Defeating security robots:
If you are up against a stationary security robot (RPG, etc.), use Telekenesis to grab a crate or pallet. Hold it in front of you until you can find a place to hide and plan what to do next. The item you hold up will block some attacks.
Defeating Atlas Fontaine:
This is the final Boss and he has three different styles of attacks:. Flame Plasmid Form, Ice Plasmid Form, and Electric Plasmid Form. The easiest way to defeat him in the first part is to use your Ice Plasmid and freeze him. Then, switch to your Telekinesis Plasmid. Grab an explosive tank and throw it at him. Also, if desired, just use your telekinesis. He is very predictable if you are far away from him. Wait for him to throw a fire ball at you then move out of the way. He will continue to run past you. Use this chance to fire the machine gun, which does the most damage to him. Once he goes back to his chamber to gain his life back, change to the Flame Plasmid and get ready for some bots. Once he starts his routine of fire and run, blast again him with the Flame Plasmid . The more you blast him, the faster he loses life. Continue to use the machine gun while he is aflame. He will now go back to his chamber one last time. He now has electrical powers. Keep your Flame Plasmid ready. This time, shoot him with the Flame Plasmid and he will run for the water. Once he jumps in the water and comes back out, hit him with it again. Be aware that there are splicers all over as well. Also set them ablaze to get some extra life. There are many different ways to defeat him but this seemed to be the easiest.
'Little Sister Savior' achievement:
Do not harvest a single Little Sister throughout the game. Tenebaum will reward you with gifts (including Adam) every time you rescue three Little Sisters. This proves more effective, as you get the same amount of Adam as you would if you harvested them but you also get the achievement.
'Tonic Collector' achievement:
When buying Plasmids, Tonics, and Upgrades from the Gatherer's Garden, always buy the Tonics first. Then, make sure you search every area for other Tonics. When you reach Point Prometheus there will be three Tonics to find. The rest of the Tonics are available in the Gatherer's Garden. This will ensure you get the achievements. Note: To check how many Tonics you have, go to a Gene Bank and count each 'track'.
Reaching Fontaine's penthouse:
The code to get to Fontaine's penthouse is from the diary: '5744'.
Steven Procopio.
Weapon Upgrade Station locations:
brandon mizera, Grim Reaper, and Felipe Roriz.
1: In Peach Wilkins' hideout (Neptune's Bounty), bottom floor. As soon as you come downstairs it is directly in front of you.
2: On the way to Farmer's Market in Arcadia, the station is located to the left after you go up the first stairs coming from Tree Farm.
3: The Winery's basement in Farmer's Market. There is a flooded area with one of them attached to the wall. It is in front of you when you come down the stairs; just keep going forward.
4: In Fort Frolic, from the Atrium bottom floor, go towards the bathrooms. Then, move right and follow the path until you see some small stairs to your right leading up to a door. Go inside then go down into the basement. The basement is filled with cigars and the like. The upgrade station is on the wall.
5: Go to Poseidon Plaza in Fort Frolic. Go to the other end of the bottom floor (the opposite end of where you enter). Go into Sinclair Spirits (the room that has a corpse on a sort of 'altar'). In the basement of this store is the station.
6: In Hephaestus Core Room, go down to the bottom floor and run around (literary). Eventually you will see it attached to the wall.
7: In Hephaestus, Kyburz's office. It is attached to the left wall (back turned to the entrance) in the rear of the room.
8: At the bottom floor of the Mercury Suites area, on the back of the center pillar.
9: In Sander Cohen's secret room, in the Olympus Heights' Mercury Suites area.
10: Go to Atlas' Headquarters in Apollo Square (Fontaine's Home For The Poor area). It is located on the fourth floor. Go down the stairs in the room and look to the right. The station will be in front of you.
11: When you enter Point Prometheus and chase Fontaine, eventually you will end up in a little square and Fontaine will go behind a locked Museum door. At the opposite end of this square (from where you came) is a dead Big Daddy. Next to it is the upgrade.
12: In the Voice changing labs in Point Prometheus, one of the labs has it.
Hint: Audio Dairy locations:
This is a list of all 122 audio diaries to get the 'Historian' achievement.
Felipe Roriz.
Audio Diary name Speaker Location
New Year's Eve Alone Diane McClintock Kashmir Bottom Floor on top of table
Hole in the Bathroom Wall Steve Barker Kashmir Restaurant in the 'Dames' bathroom
Released Today Diane McClintock Medical Pavilion Foyer on the reception desk
Adam's Changes Steinman Emergency Access on the desk
Higher Standards Steinman Medical Pavilion Foyer near entrance on wall
Parasite Expectations Andrew Ryan Medical Pavilion Foyer near surgery on desk
Limits of Imagination Steinman Medical Pavilion Foyer by Eternal Flame's wall
Love for Science Tenenbaum Medical Pavilion Foyer near health station
Vandalism Andrew Ryan Medical Pavilion Foyer near vending machines
Freezing Pipes McDonagh Medical Pavilion Foyer near bottom of stairs
Surgery's Picasso Steinman Eternal Flame entrance near memorial
Enrage Trial Suchong Kure All corner of main room
Plasmids are the Paint Suchong Painless Dental desk in the corner
Useless Experiments Tenenbaum Dandy Dental floor near entrance
Testing Telekinesis Suchong Dandy Dental on the floor by Gatherer's Garden
Symmetry Steinman Surgery Foyer wall by debris pile
Aphrodite Waking Steinman Surgery desk in northern OR
Not What She Wanted Steinman Surgery in the corpse on table the doctor worked on
Gatherer's Vulnerability Steinman Lounge on the floor by Gatherer's Garden
Bathysphere Keys Sullivan Lower Wharf under south end of the boardwalk
Timmy H. Interrogation Sullivan Lower Wharf in the water of the interrogation room
Fontaine Must Go Andrew Ryan Lower Wharf crawl under the metal grating by the pipes
Finding the Sea Slug Tenenbaum Upper Wharf table by the stairwell entrance
Masha Come Home Marista Lutz Upper Wharf floor by Little Sister
Picked Up Timmy H Sullivan Upper Wharf near Little Sister in the corpse
Watch Fontaine Andrew Ryan Upper Wharf next to the Circus of values machine
Have My Badge Sullivan Wharfmaster's Office on desk
Adam Discovery Tenenbaum Upper Wharf in crate below the wharfmaster's office
Eden Leaking McDonagh Upper Wharf hallway going towards Jet Postal
Fontaine's Smugglers Tenenbaum Jet Postal bench in glass tube
Death Penalty in Rapture Andrew Ryan Jet Postal desk by vending machine
Smuggling Ring Sullivan Fighting McDonagh center bar table
Working Late Again Andrew Ryan Fighting McDonagh window bar table
Rapture Changing McDonagh Fighting McDonagh desk in basement office
Meeting Ryan McDonagh Fighting McDonagh crawl through the water- filled ventilation shaft towards the Gene Bank
Arresting Fontaine McDonagh Fighting McDonagh room #6 upstairs
Saw Masha Today Marista Lutz Fighting McDonagh room #7 upstairs
Putting the Screws On Peach Wilkins Freezer Bottom Floor next to safe
Meeting With Fontaine Peach Wilkins Storage Cave ground by crates
Kraut Scientist Frank Fontaine Control Room Lower Floor in locked storage cave
Offered a Deal Peach Wilkins Submarine Bay on dock towards Arcadia
Seeing Ghosts McDonagh Tea Garden floor left of entrance
Mass Producting Adam Tenenbaum Tea Garden floor near chairs
Big Night Out Dieter Sonnekalb Tea Garden floor near ghost bench
Arcadia Closed Langford Tea Garden desk near Gene Bank
The Market is Patient Andrew Ryan Waterfall Grottos bench near U-Invent
Early Tests Promising Langford Waterfall Grottos near water wheel
Offering a Better Product Andrew Ryan Waterfall Grottos near water wheel
Heroes and Criminals Diane McClintock Waterfall Grottos in locked machinery room
Shouldn't Have Come Mariska Lutz Lower Rolling Hills bench near stairs
The Saturnine Langford Lower Rolling Hills cave behind waterfall
Arcadia and Oxygen Langford Tree Farm near crate at entrance
What Won't They Steal Langford Research Laboratories near entrance
Teaching an Old Hound Langford Research Laboratories table in second room
Lazarus Vector Langford Langford's Office in Julie Langford's body
Lazarus Vector Formula Langford Langford's Office in Julie's wall safe
Maternal Instinct Tenenbaum Tree Farm on the steps towards Farmer's Market
Bee Enzyme Tasha Denu Farmers Market ground near pneumo tube
First Encounter Andrew Ryan Farmers Market near Bouncer corpse
Hatred Tenenbaum Farmers Market lower storage room desk
Desperate Times Andrew Ryan Farmers Market near freezer crawlspace
Pulling Together Andrew Ryan Farmers Market on meat market counter
Water in Wine Pierre Gobbi Farmers Market near winery sign
Adam Explained Tenenbaum Silverwing Apiary near entrance counter
Functional Children Tenenbaum Winery on the back table
The Great Chain Andrew Ryan Arcadia Metro Station bench right of entrance
Musical Insult Sander Cohen Fleet Hall Theatre storage room near guitar
The Doubters Sander Cohen Cohen's Collection downstairs table
Come to the Record Store Cobb Southern Mall on table outside of the restroom
The Wild Bunny Sander Cohen Sophia Salon in closet behind counter
Artist's Feud Sullivan Cocktail Lounge above the bar safe
Fancy Cigarettes Albert Milonakis Le Marquis D'Epogue downstairs near corpse
The Iceman Cometh Martin Finnegan Frozen Tunnel left of entrance hall
Stood Up Again Diane McClintock Upper Atrium top of stairs near Fleet Hall's entrance
Guns Blazing McDonagh Robertson's Tobaccoria table near entrance
Pregnancy Jasmine Jolene Eve's Garden under bed behind stage
It's All Grift Hector Rodriguez Eve's Garden on the bar
Fontaine's Army McDonagh Sir-Prize left of stairs in crate
Bumb Culpepper? Sullivan Pharoah's Fortune on pool table upstairs
Ryan's Stableboy Anna Culpepper Rapture Records behind entrance counter
Requiem for Andrew Ryan Sander Cohen Projection Booth on office table
Ryan Takes F Futuristics McDonagh Hephaestus Bathysphere St. crate near the Circus of Values machine
Scooping the Gate Kyburz Outside Ryan's Office near the Circus of Values machine
Stopping Ryan McDonagh Ryan's Office first corpse on right
Going to Heat Loss Anya Andersdotter Outside Ryan's Office forth corpse on right
A Man or a Parasite Andrew Ryan Hephaestus Core desk outside of bunks
Fontaine's Legacy McDonagh Hephaestus Core near Vita-Chamber on the walkway
Assassin Anya Andersdotter Hephaestus Core near Gatherer's Garden
Kyburz Door Code Pablo Navarro Heat Loss Monitoring floor in the corner
Genetic Arms Race McDonagh Lower Heat Loss Monitoring on desk in flooded area
Getting a Break Pablo Navarro Lower Heat Loss Monitoring on desk near tonic
Impossible Anywhere Else Andrew Ryan Hephaestus Core desk at bottom walkway
Running Short on R-34s Pablo Navarro Hephaestus Core desk outside the Workshops entrance
Device Almost Finished Kyburz Lower Workshops office desk at bottom of the stairs
Great Chain Moves Slowly Andrew Ryan Kyburz's Office desk in back of room
The Dream Kyburz Lower Workshops corpse in middle of room
Assembling the Bomb Kyburz Lower Workshops secret crawlspace desk
Market Maintenance Code Pablo Navarro Lower Workshops crawlspace under stairs
The Vita Chamber Suchong Control Room desk left of entrance
Mind Control Test Suchong Control Room on table beneath photos
Baby Status Suchong Control Room on table beneath photos
Mozart of Genetics Suchong Olympus Heights Bistro Square snack bar
Artist Woman Sullivan Culpepper's Apartment main room's corner table
Fontaine's Homan Jukebox Suchong Suchong's Apartment on floor in south room
Mind Control Antidote Suchong Suchong's Apartment on desk next to tonic
Fontaine's Breakup Paparazzi Mercury Suites near U-Invent machine on the walkway
Sad Saps Frank Fontaine Fontaine's Apartment coffee table near cigars
What's Happening Here? Diane McClintock Apollo Square on the ground near Circus of Values
Atlas Lives Diane McClintock Apollo Square near Gatherer's Garden
Protection Bond Suchong Artemis Suites Suchong's office floor
Meeting Atlas Diane McClintock Hestia Chambers right of entrance
The Longest Con Frank Fontaine Atlas' Headquarters on desk next of tonic
Today's Raid Diane McClintock Atlas' Headquarters in corpse near the safe
Changing Employers Suchong Main Hall melt the ice, enter the closet upstairs, search the trash can
Why Just Girls? Tenenbaum Atrium Balcony on desk in second floor of orphanage
Extra Munitions Suchong Plasmid Prototyping ground near RPG turret
Marketing Gold Andrew Ryan Test Subject Storage on machine in right part of room near water
Missing Boots Suchong Candidate Conversion Area desk in back of room
Protector Smell Suchong Suit Assembly machinery 2nd floor SW
Protecting Little Ones Suchong Suit Assembly desk 2nd floor SE room
Mistakes Andrew Ryan Suit Assembly near the Gene Bank
Cheap Son of a Bitch Suchong Storage small storage area's desk
Slot machine:
Save the game before you start playing. Just keep reloading the game until you hit it.
Save game recommendation:
After becoming a Big Daddy, make a new saved game. At this point you are near the end of the game. If you missed something you can go to the bathysphere and explore Rapture again, but also you are a Big Daddy now so the splicers will not harm you, security cameras will not set off alarms, etc.
Pac Man reference:
In the Arcadia level, you will find a place that appears to be a bar. Search around a bit and you will see a block of cheese, followed by holes. The cheese is cut like Pac-Man himself. There are holes next to it, none of which can be gun shots. If you shoot the floor with any weapon you have, the marks will not match.
Star Wars reference:
Get to the point when you reach the medical pavilion and must unlock the doors. When you pull the first switch and go to the second, pull it and Atlas will say 'Now you have stirred the Wookie cage'.
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BioShock (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by XiamutBioShock
BioShock 2 (patch #2) [trainer +15]
Bioshock 2 Remastered V1.0.12322 [trainer +6]
BioShock 2 V1.5.0.019 [trainer +6]
BioShock 2 [cheats]
Bioshock demo [trainer +1]
Bioshock demo [trainer +6]
Fort Frolic (1)   Bioshock Walkthrough - Bioshock Game Guide ...Bioshock Infinite (for v1.1.25.5165)[Mega trainer]
BioShock Infinite Steam [trainer +8]

Bioshock Fort Frolic Slot Machine Machines

Bioshock Infinite v1.1.24.21018 [trainer +6]
Bioshock Infinite V1.1.25.5165 [trainer +8]
BioShock Infinite [cheats]
BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode 2 v1.1.25.5165 [trainer +9]
Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea [cheats]
Bioshock Remastered V1.0.122283 [trainer +5]
Bioshock V1.1 [trainer +6]
Bioshock v1.1 [trainer +8]
BioShock [cheats]
BioShock [Mega Trainer 1.0 V2 +11]
BioShock [Mega Trainer 1.0 V3 +11]

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